Submit a request

Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

Please make sure that the email you have entered is a valid email address.


Add file or drop files here

    We have zero-tolerance for behaviors that violate our community guidelines and make other users feel uncomfortable.

    To report someone on the app:

    Click on the shield with the "!" in the middle while you are matched with them or from the history tab.

    To report inappropriate messages:

    Enter the chatroom>click on the "⋮" symbol > click on the report button > select the option to report

    To report someone via email:

    Please fill out the form below. In the description, include the following information if possible:

    1. Details of the incident you’re reporting
    2. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you have screenshots of the user’s profile that includes photos and other relevant info, please attach them below. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate the user in question.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    We have zero-tolerance for behaviors that violate our community guidelines and make other users feel uncomfortable.

    To report someone on the app:

    Click on the shield with the "!" in the middle while you are matched with them or from the history tab.

    To report inappropriate messages:

    Enter the chatroom>click on the "⋮" symbol > click on the report button > select the option to report

    To report someone via email:

    Please fill out the form below. In the description, include the following information if possible:

    1. Details of the incident you’re reporting
    2. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you have screenshots of the user’s profile that includes photos and other relevant info, please attach them below. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate the user in question.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    We have zero-tolerance for behaviors that violate our community guidelines and make other users feel uncomfortable.

    To report someone on the app:

    Click on the shield with the "!" in the middle while you are matched with them or from the history tab.

    To report inappropriate messages:

    Enter the chatroom>click on the "⋮" symbol > click on the report button > select the option to report

    To report someone via email:

    Please fill out the form below. In the description, include the following information if possible:

    1. Details of the incident you’re reporting
    2. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you have screenshots of the user’s profile that includes photos and other relevant info, please attach them below. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate the user in question.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    We have zero-tolerance for behaviors that violate our community guidelines and make other users feel uncomfortable.

    To report someone on the app:

    Click on the shield with the "!" in the middle while you are matched with them or from the history tab.

    To report inappropriate messages:

    Enter the chatroom>click on the "⋮" symbol > click on the report button > select the option to report

    To report someone via email:

    Please fill out the form below. In the description, include the following information if possible:

    1. Details of the incident you’re reporting
    2. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you have screenshots of the user’s profile that includes photos and other relevant info, please attach them below. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate the user in question.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    We have zero-tolerance for behaviors that violate our community guidelines and make other users feel uncomfortable.

    To report someone on the app:

    Click on the shield with the "!" in the middle while you are matched with them or from the history tab.

    To report inappropriate messages:

    Enter the chatroom>click on the "⋮" symbol > click on the report button > select the option to report

    To report someone via email:

    Please fill out the form below. In the description, include the following information if possible:

    1. Details of the incident you’re reporting
    2. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you have screenshots of the user’s profile that includes photos and other relevant info, please attach them below. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate the user in question.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    We have zero-tolerance for behaviors that violate our community guidelines and make other users feel uncomfortable.

    To report someone on the app:

    Click on the shield with the "!" in the middle while you are matched with them or from the history tab.

    To report inappropriate messages:

    Enter the chatroom>click on the "⋮" symbol > click on the report button > select the option to report

    To report someone via email:

    Please fill out the form below. In the description, include the following information if possible:

    1. Details of the incident you’re reporting
    2. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you have screenshots of the user’s profile that includes photos and other relevant info, please attach them below. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate the user in question.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    We have zero-tolerance for behaviors that violate our community guidelines and make other users feel uncomfortable.

    To report someone on the app:

    Click on the shield with the "!" in the middle while you are matched with them or from the history tab.

    To report inappropriate messages:

    Enter the chatroom>click on the "⋮" symbol > click on the report button > select the option to report

    To report someone via email:

    Please fill out the form below. In the description, include the following information if possible:

    1. Details of the incident you’re reporting
    2. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you have screenshots of the user’s profile that includes photos and other relevant info, please attach them below. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate the user in question.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    We have zero-tolerance for behaviors that violate our community guidelines and make other users feel uncomfortable.

    To report someone on the app:

    Click on the shield with the "!" in the middle while you are matched with them or from the history tab.

    To report inappropriate messages:

    Enter the chatroom>click on the "⋮" symbol > click on the report button > select the option to report

    To report someone via email:

    Please fill out the form below. In the description, include the following information if possible:

    1. Details of the incident you’re reporting
    2. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you have screenshots of the user’s profile that includes photos and other relevant info, please attach them below. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate the user in question.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    Azar emphasizes users' privacy and treats all user information with strict confidentiality and is never sold, rented, or shared with any third parties. 

    Please fill out the form below. In the description, include the following information if possible:

    1. The trouble you are experiencing in detail

    2. A proof that someone threatened/ blackmailed you

    3. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under user's nickname)

    If you share the information above, we'll try to assist you as soon as possible. 

    In addition, if you fear for your safety and would like to take legal action, please contact your local law enforcement for help.

    Please follow this link for support, advice, or assistance.

    If someone has created an Azar profile and is pretending to be you, please fill out the form below.

    In the description, include the following information:

    1. The trouble you are experiencing in detail
    2. Screenshots are extremely helpful in these cases. Ideally, please attach a screenshot of the profile showing the name/age/bio. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate this profile.
    3. Proof that someone used your photograph
    4. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you would like to take legal action, please contact your local law enforcement for help.

    Please follow this link for support, advice, or assistance.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    Only the person who's being impersonated can file an email report with us, but you can:

    1. Report the profile directly on Azar (Click on the shield with the "!" in the middle while you are matched with them or from the history tab)
    2. Contact the person being impersonated and encourage them to fill out the form below

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    If someone has created an Azar profile and is pretending to be someone you represent, please fill out the form below.

    In the description, include the following information:

    1. The trouble you are experiencing in detail
    2. Screenshots are extremely helpful in these cases. Ideally, please attach a screenshot of the profile showing the name/age/bio. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate this profile.
    3. Proof that someone used the represented person's photograph
    4. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you would like to take legal action, please report it to the nearby police station.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    Unless you contact the help center through the Azar app, we cannot verify your identity as the account owner. Accordingly, in order to protect the account information of our users, we are unable to provide any information in this regard, not even to users who have lost their account information.

    If you've lost access to the email address that's linked to your Azar account, please contact your email service provider to try and regain access.

    For private parties:

    Please note that Azar will only provide account data to the actual account holder, or to an authorized representative.

    For law enforcement:

    Azar does not release account information, except as required by a valid legal process.

    If you feel that someone is in immediate or physical danger, please contact your local law enforcement for help.

    If you or someone you know is in emotional or suicidal distress, there are people available to help, listen, offer support, and provide guidance on whatever you may be dealing with.

    If you’d like to report a safety concern directly to us, please fill out the form below.

    Please follow this link for support, advice, or assistance.

    Note: By reporting, you authorize us to review all relevant information, including exchanged messages, profile information, etc. We will only review sufficient information to take appropriate action. Your report and identity will remain confidential.

    Azar emphasizes on users privacy and, as such, all user information is treated with strict confidentiality.

    1. If you sign in to Azar with Facebook, Google or with your Apple ID: We suggest that you update your password immediately and refer to Facebook’s Help Center, Google Help Center, or Apple Help Center for more information on how to secure your account.
    2. If you sign in to Azar with phone number: For security reasons, SMS verification is required upon registration. The phone numbers provided by users are only used to receive the verification code and without the verification code, no one can make an account with your phone number. So, please do not share the code with anyone.

    If you provide the following information, it could be helpful to specify a user and solve the issue.

    1. The trouble you are experiencing in detail
    2. Screenshots are extremely helpful in these cases. Ideally, please attach a screenshot of proof. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate this.
    3. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you share the information above, we'll try to assist you as soon as possible.

    If you provide the following information, it could be helpful to specify a user and solve the issue.

    1. The trouble you are experiencing in detail
    2. Screenshots are extremely helpful in these cases. Ideally, please attach a screenshot of proof. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate this.
    3. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you share the information above, we'll try to assist you as soon as possible.

    If you provide the following information, it could be helpful to specify a user and solve the issue.

    1. The trouble you are experiencing in detail
    2. Screenshots are extremely helpful in these cases. Ideally, please attach a screenshot of proof. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate this.
    3. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you share the information above, we'll try to assist you as soon as possible.

    If you provide the following information, it could be helpful to specify a user and solve the issue.

    1. The trouble you are experiencing in detail
    2. Screenshots are extremely helpful in these cases. Ideally, please attach a screenshot of proof. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can identify and investigate this.
    3. The picture of the user's profile with the user code (located under the user's nickname)

    If you share the information above, we'll try to assist you as soon as possible.

    If your copyright-protected work was posted on Azar without authorization, you can submit a copyright takedown request using this form.

    Only the copyright owner or their authorized representative (e.g. attorney) may report alleged copyright infringement. If you are not the copyright owner or an authorized representative, we will not be able to process your report.

    Note on Impersonation: If someone created an Azar account pretending to be you, please use the dropdown menu directly above to report it under “Regarding Impersonation.”

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. You might have the "Silent" mode on. Please make sure that it isn't on "Silent" mode
    3. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. You might have the "Silent" mode on. Please make sure that it isn't on "Silent" mode
    3. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. You might have the "Silent" mode on. Please make sure that it isn't on "Silent" mode
    3. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. You might have the "Silent" mode on. Flip the Ring/Silent switch on the side of your iPhone to turn it On <=> Off and ensure that the sound is heard.
    3. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. You might have the "Silent" mode on. Please make sure that it isn't on "Silent" mode
    3. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. You might have the "Silent" mode on. Please make sure that it isn't on "Silent" mode
    3. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. You might have the "Silent" mode on. Please make sure that it isn't on "Silent" mode
    3. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    First of all, please try the steps below

    1. Close all the open apps (including Azar) and re-launch Azar
    2. You might have the "Silent" mode on. Flip the Ring/Silent switch on the side of your iPhone to turn it On <=> Off and ensure that the sound is heard.
    3. Delete the app from your device and re-download it

    If these don't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    1. Please consider visiting Google Play Help Center from here for troubleshooting steps
    2. Some download errors occur when your network is unstable, especially on wifi. We recommend using data when downloading the Azar app.
    1. Please consider visiting Google Play Help Center from here for troubleshooting steps
    2. Some download errors occur when your network is unstable, especially on wifi. We recommend using data when downloading the Azar app.
    1. Please consider visiting Google Play Help Center from here for troubleshooting steps
    2. Some download errors occur when your network is unstable, especially on wifi. We recommend using data when downloading the Azar app.

    Please consider visiting iTunes support Help Center here for troubleshooting steps.

    Please verify on this FAQ page that your OS version is supported by our latest app version.

    If it doesn't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    Please verify on this FAQ page that your OS version is supported by our latest app version.

    If it doesn't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    Please verify on this FAQ page that your OS version is supported by our latest app version.

    If it doesn't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    Please verify on this FAQ page that your OS version is supported by our latest app version.

    If it doesn't solve your issue, please fill in the form below.

    Please try the steps below:

    1. Add a new payment method
      Go to " Google Play Store app" > tap "Menu" on the top left side > "Payment methods" > change to one of the payment methods listed > The new payment method will be added to your Google Account.
      (Please note that Available payment methods may vary by location)
    2. Update your payment information
      Go to " Google Play Store app" > tap "Menu" on the top left side. > "Payment methods" > Update your payment information
    3. If the Default payment method is declined
      Contact your bank/payment support center to make sure there isn't a problem with your payment account.

    If you are still having trouble, please read the articles below that may help fix the payment issue :

    1. Problems with in-app purchases
    2. Fix payment issues with your account
    3. Need help with failed transaction?

    If you are having trouble purchasing items, please click the links below to read a help article or contact the iTunes support:

    1. Contact the iTunes Support Center
    2. If your payment method is declined in the App Store or iTunes Store, click here to learn more about it.

    First please try the following instructions :

    1. Please restart your device
    2. Please Go to your Profile and click on the Settings icon and check if the notification is turned on. The bar next to the 'Notification on' should be green.

    If 'Notification on' is turned on and you still do not get notifications :

    1. Please check if all notifications for Azar from your device settings are turned on.

    First please try the following instructions :

    1. Please restart your device
    2. Please Go to your Profile and click on the Settings icon and check if the notification is turned on. The bar next to the 'Notification on' should be green.

    If 'Notification on' is turned on and you still do not get notifications :

    1. Please check if all notifications for Azar from your device settings are turned on.

    First please try the following instructions :

    1. Please restart your device
    2. Please Go to your Profile and click on the Settings icon and check if the notification is turned on. The bar next to the 'Notification on' should be green.

    If 'Notification on' is turned on and you still do not get notifications :

    1. Please check if all notifications for Azar from your device settings are turned on.

    First please try the following instructions :

    1. Please restart your device
    2. Please Go to your Profile and click on the Settings icon and check if the notification is turned on. The bar next to the 'Notification on' should be green.

    If 'Notification on' is turned on and you still do not get notifications :

    1. Turn the notification for Azar off and on again from your device settings

    If you haven't received your gems or items after purchase, please try the following instructions.

    1. Sign out of Azar.
    2. Restart your device and sign into the Azar application again.

    If the instructions above do not work, please fill in the form below.

    To find your receipt click here

    If you haven't received your gems or items after purchase, please try the following instructions.

    1. Sign out of Azar.
    2. Restart your device and sign into the Azar application again.

    If the instructions above do not work, please fill in the form below.

    To find your receipt click here

    Please be advised that if you have already used the gems/items, we cannot offer you a refund.

    Sometimes having multiple accounts may lead to confusion. If you think this is not the one you are looking for, please try logging out, then logging in to all of your other accounts to check.

    Please be advised that any payments you've already made can't be refunded. If you want to cancel the subscription, you have to do it yourself.

    Note as well that deleting your account doesn't cancel your subscription.To unsubscribe from our subscription, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Open the Google Play app
    2. At the top right, tap the profile icon
    3. Tap Payments & subscriptions and then Subscriptions
    4. Select the subscription you want to cancel
    5. Tap Cancel subscription.

    Press here to find out more in detail.

    Please be advised that any payments you've already made can't be refunded. If you want to cancel the subscription, you have to do it yourself.

    Note as well that deleting your account doesn't cancel your subscription. To unsubscribe from our subscription, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Open your phone's Settings
    2. Tap Apple ID (Apple ID, iCloud, Media & Purchases)
    3. Tap Subscriptions
    4. Select the subscription you want to cancel
    5. Tap Cancel subscription.

    Press here to find out more in detail.

    Please try the steps below:

    1. Add a new payment method
      Go to " Google Play Store app" > tap "Menu" on the top left side > "Payment methods" > change to one of the payment methods listed > The new payment method will be added to your Google Account.
      (Please note that Available payment methods may vary by location)
    2. Update your payment information
      Go to " Google Play Store app" > tap "Menu" on the top left side. > "Payment methods" > Update your payment information
    3. If the Default payment method is declined
      Contact your bank/payment support center to make sure there isn't a problem with your payment account.

    If you are still having trouble, please read the articles below that may help fix the payment issue :

    1. Problems with in-app purchases
    2. Fix payment issues with your account
    3. Need help with failed transaction?

    If you are having trouble purchasing items, please click the links below to read a help article or contact the iTunes support:

    1. Contact the iTunes Support Center
    2. If your payment method is declined in the App Store or iTunes Store, click here to learn more about it.

    We do not share users' personal information with third parties, unless it is for the purpose of providing the Azar service itself, or when there is an obligation to comply with relevant laws and regulations. In accordance with the Privacy Policy, we do not share user information with third parties without the user's permission.

    The only information that other users can see, is the information that users provide in their profiles.

    Unless you contact the help center through the Azar app, we cannot verify your identity as the account owner. Accordingly, in order to protect the account information of our users, we are unable to provide any information in this regard, not even to users who have lost their account information.

    First of all, please verify your internet connection.

    In order to use Azar optimally, we recommend that you use your Wi-Fi network.

    If your connection is good and the problem persists, please fill in the form below.

    If you're sure you want to delete your account and permanently lose all your friends, messages, and gems, please follow the steps below :

    1. Go to your Profile and tap on the Settings icon.
    2. Tap "About Azar"(Android) or "Account Settings"(iOS).
    3. Tap "Delete account".
    4. A confirmation pop-up will appear. If you are sure you want to delete your account, press "Delete"

    Sometimes having multiple accounts may lead to confusion. If you think this is not the one you are looking for, please try logging out, then logging in to all of your other accounts to check.

    Payout requests may take up to 15 business days to process.

    Press the profile that you would like to report > Press the "Report" button > Choose the reason for the report.

    Click here for more information.

    Press the profile that you would like to report > Press the "Report" button > Choose the reason for the report.

    Click here for more information.

    Press the profile that you would like to report > Press the "Report" button > Choose the reason for the report.

    Click here for more information.

    Press the profile that you would like to report > Press the "Report" button > Choose the reason for the report.

    Click here for more information.

    Press the profile that you would like to report > Press the "Report" button > Choose the reason for the report.

    Click here for more information.

    Press the profile that you would like to report > Press the "Report" button > Choose the reason for the report.

    Click here for more information.

    Press the profile that you would like to report > Press the "Report" button > Choose the reason for the report.

    Click here for more information.

    Press the profile that you would like to report > Press the "Report" button > Choose the reason for the report.

    Click here for more information.

    If you are a law enforcement official and need to contact our team, please send an email to

    Note: We will only respond to emails sent to the above address from law enforcement official emails in English.

    Azar has a strict age restriction policy. App restrictions or suspension of your account may occur if a violation involving a minor is detected.

    For identity verification to confirm that you are eligible to use Azar, please send us the information below. We will review it and get back to you when it is verified.